We arrived at the Stadtwirtschaft in September 2024, 9 months after our move. We are currently still building our premises and basic infrastructure and are therefore unable to offer an open workshop. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us. You still want to visit us? You're welcome! There is a public tour on the first Wednesday of every month. Otherwise, you can also contact us by e-mail or request an appointment.



By Administrator, 13 April, 2024

Visit us for the technology day in the Stadtbibliothek, more precisely in the BibLab-C library laboratory. Together with you, we will experiment with 3D printing pens and immortalize ourselves in small works of art in the form of key rings and various graphics to take away and use. Our artist friendo Sebastian from ART around will also be there to show you how to draw digitally in 2D and 3D with great tools like Krita.

You will also find other great do-it-yourself offers on site:

By Mario Voigt, 9 February, 2023

On Saturday, May 13, 2023, museums, galleries and institutions from Chemnitz and the cultural region once again invite you to a very special cultural experience, the 22nd edition of the Chemnitz Museum Night. And as always will apply: One ticket for all museums and offers and at the same time the journey by public transport. We are happy to inform you about the fact that Stadtfabrikanten e.V. is going to run Hangprinter at this night again.