We have been moving with all our stuff since December 2023. Our new location is the Stadtwirtschaft. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer an open workshop for the time being. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us.

Donations / Support

Do you like what we do and want to support us?

Our association is run on a voluntary basis. We have no employees. This means that we do quite a lot on our own and on a voluntary basis. That's why we appreciate your support, whether it's a good opinion, a small donation in kind or some pocket money.

Financial support

You can help us financially with a cash injection, e.g. as a supporting member or by bank transfer or PayPal. We are a non-profit organization and have a current and valid exemption certificate - so we can also issue donation receipts.

Become a supporting member

You want to help us to act more carefree. Supporting members do not have the right to propose motions, discuss or vote at general meetings. Supporting members can also be legal entities. A donation receipt can be issued for such memberships.

Transfer to the association account

Bank: Deutsche Skatbank Altenburg e.G.
IBAN: DE 77 8306 5408 0004 9120 98
Purpose: “Donation Stadtfabrikanten e.V.”

Or by QR code:



Coins, ounces, thalers, dough, hard cash - our little box is happy to accept them too! There is a donation box in our clubhouse. You can also get a receipt for this.


You can donate via the following button.

Or by QR code:

Stadtfabrikanten @ PayPal

Donations in kind, permanent loans or expenditure donations

We are also grateful for donations in the form of items or temporary help (expense donations) for our various projects. Although we found our own premises in 2016, what is a workshop without equipment? To realize projects, repairs or experiments, we can use one or two tools or, for example, leftover craft parts such as screws and nuts, drills, milling cutters, sandpaper or various other consumables - these can also be things like foils, tapes or spray paints. Depending on the type and condition, we are also happy to take on equipment and machines if they still serve a good purpose and we can use them or make them usable. Ultimately, this applies to all areas of our workshop, whether wood, metal, electrical or other.

Of course, we have already collected a lot and would like to take this opportunity to thank all previous donors once again.

If you have something to give away or a hot tip, please send an e-mail to

Thank you very much for your support!