We have been moving with all our stuff since December 2023. Our new location is the Stadtwirtschaft. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer an open workshop for the time being. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us.

Sponsors, donors and lenders

eins energie

In 2023, we applied for an association sponsorship and were delighted to receive a small amount of financial support from eins energie at the beginning of 2024. Merci!


After meeting Tomas Dymes in person at MakerFaire Hannover, the Czech company OSEQ sent us two high-quality print bed coatings for our Prusa i3 MK3S printers in the fall of 2023. They have been in heavy use ever since and the results are amazing. A big thank you to our neighbors!

Tuftingshop sent us two tufting guns including accessories free of charge in fall 2023 to complement our textile workshop. We are excited to see how the equipment will fit in with us and would like to show our appreciation at least with this small block of text.

Maker Media GmbH

Maker Media GmbH of the heise Group has been providing us with two free issues of Make every month for several years. We would like to express our sincere thanks for this and are happy to make this public.

SEW Eurodrive

For our Plastefüchse project, we have received approval for an annual financial injection in the form of a donation for our shredder construction from 2020 to 2022 and, in addition, a friendly support offer for the drive installed on the shredder from SEW Eurodrive.

Kreg Tool

In November 2019, Kreg Tool donated various high-quality tools for our wood workshop. We would like to thank them for their generous donation.

Abschleppdienst Beyrich

The Beyrich towing service helped us with our strenuous club move in December 2023 and towed all the heavy equipment into the Stadtwirtschafft with us. Many thanks for the uncomplicated and reliable service

I & G Industrie- und Gewerbefachgroßhandel GmbH

The company IuG supported us financially a few years ago and also supplied us with high-quality tools at reasonable prices. We would like to express our sincere thanks for this.


Mr. Gunter Schulz, owner of In-Design, is a good friend and lender of the Kosy CNC milling machine in the FabLab's metal workshop. We are happy about this opportunity and the resulting contact, which still exists today.

Festool GmbH

In 2016, Festool gave us an extremely generous donation of tools following our 3D printer fire and the precarious workshop refurbishment. We will never forget it. The tools are still in high-frequency use today and have already proven their usefulness as reliable servants for numerous projects.