We have been moving with all our stuff since December 2023. Our new location is the Stadtwirtschaft. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer an open workshop for the time being. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us.

Friends and circle of influence

Through our long club existence, we have gotten to know many people and many people have gotten to know us. Whether in Chemnitz or all around. We are glad that we can look back on a wide range of creative minds and that we regularly get into conversation with many of them - whether privately or for a specific association idea. We would like to name a few here who often accompany us or who we would like to mention because we have thematic overlaps and consider them worthy of "you should definitely know". Here you will also find links to some of the websites of our independent members, who ultimately also provide a great deal of voluntary support with their specialist knowledge and energy.

Chaostreff Chemnitz

Chaostreff Chemnitz e.V.

The Chaostreff is an association for electronics and IT-savvy tinkerers and offers a corresponding hackerspace. We share some interests and already know each other relatively well. That's reason enough to introduce you to the world as an important part of the creative scene.

Freifunk Chemnitz

Freifunk Chemnitz e.V.

The Freifunk Chemnitz team donated a Freifunk router right at the start of the FabLab. This was the cornerstone for the use of Freifunk, which is now used in many different ways.

Vulca Association

Vulca wants to mobilize and network makers in Europe. The non-profit organization has been actively committed to this for many years. We got in touch as a stopover on one of Alexander Rousselet's Vulca tours and have been in regular but good contact ever since.

KaffeeSatz e.V.

KaffeeSatz e.V.

KaffeeSatz e.V. has regularly helped us out of trouble and gave us a lot of support when we were setting up the association. Even now, we help each other out and are grateful for the strong connection, which is particularly evident in joint workshops with Sebastian from ART around.

Orgel- und Harmoniumbau Josef Poldrack

Josef was our yard neighbor in Philippstraße and we regularly helped each other out with our workshops right next to each other.

Computertruhe e.V.

We think the idea of the Computertruhe is worth supporting and we are glad that there are people in our radius in Chemnitz who are committed to helping those in need and also save hardware from being thrown away. Every now and then we can also contribute.

Spendensparschwein Rosalie

Our association got in touch with Janice from the Rosalie piggy bank through our yard party "Hoffest Phil" in Philippstraße. We think the project is great and are a small point of contact for collecting donations for Rosalie. We don't collect much on a regular basis, but every donation counts. Information about her great project can be found at


Erkin Bayirli is the mastermind behind Wunderwuzzi and master of a thousand toothbrushes ;-) We met Erkin at the first MakerFaire Saxony and since then we meet at least once a year at some MakerFaire in Europe. It has become a fixed ritual and is always fun.

cameo Laser Franz Hagemann GmbH

We borrowed the traveling laser from cameo Laser Leipzig in 2015. Mr. Steffen Jesper has remained our contact since then and always has a good tip ready when it comes to cutting and engraving.



Holger aka CreativSounds was our yard companion in Philippstraße and our only true sound and light technician of trust at every yard festival.


The Holzkombinat is a project workshop in Chemnitz that has been active for several years, where creative people with similar interests meet, build and talk shop. So we now have a good connection to each other :-)

Reparatur Café

"Repairing connects" is the motto. And it's true. By doing it yourself, you learn how to do it and how to do it even better. Why not pay a visit to the experts at the Repair Café at Paul-Arnold-Str. 5. There you can, for example, get your bike or food processor back in shape and gain valuable knowledge and help for self-help.

Bordsteinlobby e.V.

The Bordsteinlobby is a friendly association that we have known and appreciated for many years. We met back then at Odradek, Aaltra and later at our place in Philippstraße and since then we've done various things together over the years, such as taking part in the STAUNT Festival.

Spinifex Cluster

We got to know Sebastian Kalies in a similar way to Erkin from Wunderwuzzi. Sebastian - a true inventor - is also a constant in our MakerFaire cycle and a good contact for challenging and unusual ideas. He is the man behind the Spinifex Cluster construction kit.

European Capital of Culture 2025

As an organization, we are a core component of the local maker culture with our range and offerings, which Chemnitz has thematically written on its flag as a candidate for the European Capital of Culture 2025. We support this progressively and are excited and looking forward to the big year 2025.

KulturTragWerk Sachsen e.V.

Thanks to the KTW, we have been able to borrow the "Charlie" cultural coach several times between 2022 and today. Without this van, we would often have been at a loss. The project is great and we would like to thank Daniel Schneider for his commitment to the Sonnenberg.

Selbsthilfe 91 e.V.

Selbsthilfe 91 is a prominent Chemnitz-based association that has been extremely involved in numerous projects for many years. This has not passed us by. We have already supported each other - for example at the Phil courtyard festival or the exciting 3D model of the Heinrich-Schütz-Straße housing project.

Jost’s Original

Inventor Jost Schalling was one of the first people to contribute to the creation of FabLab Chemnitz and helped us build our basic equipment. As part of the inventors' association, there are definitely thematic overlaps.



Anatoli from Druckstock does litography and other great things with printing processes and also imparts his knowledge in an entertaining and insightful way that no one else does. We met at some point via the large Chemnitz haze circle and we've had a good connection for DIY and philosophy ever since.

Our members



Mario set up his own business, eridur, in 2019 and offers laser cutting and engraving services. The knowledge of vector graphics processing with what you can do with a laser regularly ends up in the club - not least through the long-standing Inkscape project MightyScape.

Addcademy | Jähneprojekt

Maik Jähne is one of the founding members of Stadtfabrikanten e.V. and part of our network. He is a great networker himself and is involved in a wide variety of projects - e.g. ADDCADEMY. If we hadn't had the enterprising Maik, the FabLab would never have existed.

Historical Ocean Liners

Since Tino from Historical Ocean Liners has been a permanent member of our association, our practical and theoretical level in terms of 3D printing and 3D modeling has increased by leaps and bounds. His spatial thinking is always a role model for us, and many people are happy to learn from him.

IT-Service Leonhardt

IT-Service Leonhardt

Toni is self-employed with his company IT-Service Leonhardt and joined our association in 2023. Since then, he has been the contact person for one or two special questions.



Ina and Babette are the makers behind UNDOYARN. This stands for a DIY yarn manufactory. Ribbing, unraveling, preserving value - yarn, remade in Chemnitz. Both are proud members of our association and it's hard to imagine life without them.

Björn Grunewald

Björn is a long-standing member of the association and a freelance 3D artist and interaction developer. If you are planning a project with unity, Blender or Cinema4D, for example, Björn is the right person for you. See also

Stefan Helmert // entroserv

Stefan Helmert makes a "contribution to increasing entropy in the multiverse". He explores this in his blog about science and technology. For example: Arduino, parametric CAD software, mail server configuration or 3D printing. You can find his projects, ideas and open knowledge at