We have been moving with all our stuff since December 2023. Our new location is the Stadtwirtschaft. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer an open workshop for the time being. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us.

Projects / Gallery

Engaging, inspiring, creating meaning, developing a vision, being innovative, being creative, thinking outside the box - our association thrives on projects. The word "project" sometimes feels like an empty phrase. But what is it all about? The expression of our thoughts and actions are the things that we leave behind in order to show them to others and thus inspire them. This can be the lived moment, or the process on the way there, as well as the story afterwards. On this page, you will find a few examples of analog and digital projects of different styles, complexity and maturity. You can also browse through our keywords.

A gallery of various projects that have been created by us or with us:


Thoughts: The core of a project

To be enthusiastic about it and to arouse interest, to deal with topics more intensively, to implement them yourself and to learn and grow from them - in order to achieve this, documentation (an unfortunately often disdained term) is, among other things, an important and beautiful step to record those thoughts and actions for yourself and your neighbors in a structured and clear way. "He who writes, stays" - not only the unpopular employees of the authorities say this, but also the eager diarists who create their very own lexicon in this way and can, for example, remember everything they would otherwise forget. Everyone writes their own story and gathers expertise - why don't you write it down?

The "projects" are as diverse as the people who make them. For our association and the FabLab vision, it is crucial that we publicize our activities, because our self-conception and as members of open workshops stand for free knowledge and contributing to a global community that teaches and learns from each other. The aim is not to create pointless mass content, but rather to demonstrate useful things and to disseminate lost skills and modern knowledge into society.

It is difficult to provide a fixed structure for this. However, you can ask yourself: "What do projects consist of?". In general, the word project ultimately only stands for a planned or already started, possibly larger, undertaking. It can be an event, a construction plan, a piece of software, an organization, a hardware tinkering, an experiment or something else. It might even be a mixture of everything! Capturing content can be done, for example, with a small blog entry, a workshop presentation, your own e-book, program documentation, a gallery or much more.

What can projects consist of?

A project can be related to or interact with one or more other projects. Common components of projects are, for example:

  • physical semi-finished products, tools, products
  • data/media (metadata, productive data)
  • parts lists (individual parts, assemblies)
  • documentation (multilingual if necessary)
  • documents (files) / manuals / instructions
  • descriptions / abstracts
  • calculations (costs, time required, benefits), invoices and delivery notes
  • pictures
  • photos
  • Illustrations / diagrams
  • videos
  • procedures
  • processes / procedures
  • comments
  • resources
  • tasks
  • problems
  • dates / logs
  • timelines / versions / iterations / last changes (versioning & changelog)
  • other projects
  • period of creation / date of creation
  • involved teams / persons / authors
  • source code
  • model files (2D, 3D)
  • simulation and calculation data
  • software
  • interviews
  • continuing sources
  • license(s)

Motivation and questioning of projects

Legitimate questions that can make a project interesting, for example:

  • What problem did you want to illuminate or solve?
  • How did you get to grips with the problem?
  • Who might be interested in your project?
  • Are there any prospects for its continuation?
  • Were you able to grow from it yourself?