We have been moving with all our stuff since December 2023. Our new location is the Stadtwirtschaft. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer an open workshop for the time being. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us.


City of Chemnitz

The artists, cultural associations and initiatives active in the city of Chemnitz are essential pillars of cultural life. A lively independent cultural scene made up of associations, project groups and artists plays a key role in shaping the intellectual and cultural climate in our city. Our association has received annual project funding since 2017. In 2023 we were supported to make an overhaul of our website.


In 2023, we applied for the Netto association donation and ultimately received pocket money at the end of 2023. Many thanks to all supporters who pressed "round up" at the checkout.

Wir für Sachsen

The Free State of Saxony promotes civic engagement, particularly in the areas of social affairs, the environment, culture and sport. This honor is bestowed on us by the Bürgerstiftung Dresden. This has enabled us to strengthen volunteering in our own association from 2019 to 2022 and since 2024.

Bürgerstiftung für Chemnitz

The Bürgerstiftung für Chemnitz supported our association in the years 2019 to 2021 and 2023 with the small grant "Mikrofonds Durchstarter". We would like to thank them once again.

NEUSTART - Bundesverband Soziokultur e.V.

With the "NEUSTART" funding program for Corona-related investments, we received funding in 2020 and were able to better bridge our closure phase of several months by making our offers more available online. In 2022, we also received funding to carry out various socio-cultural activities such as courses, workshops and larger participation formats.

Klub 2025

Klub 2025

Klub 2025 made a generous donation to our Hoffest Phil in 2019 to make the event more financially viable for all organizers and co-organizers. Among other things, this enabled us to pay out fees to the artists and musicians.


The anstiftung promotes, networks and researches spaces and networks for DIY. These include intercultural and urban gardens, open workshops, repair initiatives, open source projects as well as initiatives to revitalize neighborhoods or interventions in public spaces. In 2020, the anstiftung supported us with a grant to purchase a water jet cutting machine.

Bürgerplattform Nord-Ost

The Bürgerplattform Nord-Ost for the districts of Ebersdorf, Hilbersdorf and Sonnenberg supports citizens' concerns, interests and projects that serve the common good, promote the social and cultural community, improve life in the three districts and thus contribute to a positive perception of the Chemnitz North-East urban area. Bürgerplattform Nord-Ost supported Hoffest Phil in 2019 and 2020.

Chemnitz ist weder grau noch braun

Chemnitz is neither gray nor brown is a campaign by committed Chemnitz citizens, entrepreneurs and scientists. In 2019, we received an award for promoting ideas in the area of student work.


In 2019, our association applied to Fachkräfteallianz to establish workshop formats for the recruitment, development and retention of skilled workers. We received funding for the conception, documentation, publication and implementation for 2020 and early 2021.

Free State of Saxony

Our association applied to Fachkräfteallianz in 2019 and carried out a measure in the period from 01.04.2020 to 15.03.2021. This measure was co-financed with tax funds on the basis of the budget of the Free State of Saxony adopted by the Saxon State Parliament.

Verfügungsfonds Sonnenberg

In 2017, 2018 and 2020, the Sonnenberg district provided us with financial support for various investments via the Verfügungsfonds. This relates, for example, to our Hoffest Phil and various technical equipment.

Franco-German Citizens' Fund

The Franco-German Citizens' Fund is supporting us in 2024 in our project “Faire VR - MakerSpace in 360 View Tours”. This project is about understanding VR technology and developing 360° virtual reality tours of open workshops - in collaboration with local MakerSpaces from Saxony and partners from the RedLab network in France.

Saxon State Ministry of Justice and for Democracy, Europe and Equality

In 2024, the SMJusDEG will support us in sending a Saxon delegation of MakerSpace people to organise a trade fair booth at the Faire Festival in Toulouse and to expand the Franco-German partner network. This will be done in collaboration with the RedLabs network association, as well as RFFLabs, the Vulca Network and the German Verbund Offener Werkstätten e.V..

European Capital of Culture 2025

With the Soft Skills Academy I and II programmes, the chemnitz2025 team is supporting our European networking with similar and related stakeholders (open workshops, MakerSpaces, FabLabs) in 2023 and 2024. This will help us to establish a long-term residency programme for international exchange and co-creation. Our concept is entitled ‘Perspectivum Mobile’.

Supporting members

KIESELSTEIN International GmbH

KIESELSTEIN International GmbH is successful worldwide with its self-developed wire drawing and peeling systems. This enables it to offer its employees an exciting and attractive working environment. Be it in the context of continuous research and development activities, the construction of customer-specific plant technology or the assembly of modern wire drawing plants. KIESELSTEIN and Stadtfabrikanten e.V. have been cooperation partners since July 2019 and are working together on interesting wire projects.


Alex from Gartenstadtcafé has been supporting our association with his sponsoring membership since 2019 because he has always appreciated our idea. With his café, he also generally provides support for local creatives and their plastic passions, so he can empathize with them.