We have been moving with all our stuff since December 2023. Our new location is the Stadtwirtschaft. Unfortunately, we are therefore unable to offer an open workshop for the time being. Visit our homepage regularly to find out the latest news from us.

Participation / Membership

Become a Stadtfabrikant - one for all, all for one!

Do you want a sense of togetherness and don't want to pursue your own interests on your own, but want to start something together? Stadtfabrikanten e.V. is looking for members and helpers who want to share the work and community behind the scenes with us and contribute their own ideas. To strengthen our activities, we are looking for more like-minded people who want to be part of the organization, for example in the areas of workshop area management, supervision of the open workshop, first aiders, equipment testing (DGUV-3), repairs, giving courses, events, documentation, blogging, networking (public relations), project implementation or for servers/IT.

As a non-profit organization, our time and financial resources are limited. Almost everything we achieve as an association is realized through voluntary work, our members and the help of our friends, sponsors and cooperation partners. As a dedicated organization, we rely on you and your commitment for the many tasks, projects and ideas that lie ahead.

Unser Vereinsheim - die offene MitMachWerkstatt FabLab Chemnitz - wird dabei dein zu Hause und das bereits für einen geringen monatlichen Beitrag. Hier treffen wir uns zum zusammen Werkeln und Austüfteln. Aktiv-Mitglieder erhalten nach Eingewöhnung bzw. Einweisung in die Werkstatt auf Anfrage einen eigenen Account für unser Nuki-Zugansschloss. Das erlaubt Dir als Nutzer prinzipiell einen "24/7-Zugang", sofern es nicht mit Veranstaltungen oder etwaigen Versammlungen kollidiert.

Apply for membership

You can either fill out the membership application as a PDF at home or at our office, sign it and send it to us (printout or email). For direct debit payments, please use the SEPA direct debit mandate attachment. For young people between the ages of 14 and 18, we require a declaration of consent from a parent or guardian in addition to the membership application.

Hint: Sorry, the following files are not available in english!

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